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St Winifreds Care Home Christmas and Boxing Day celebrations

What a great Christmas day we had here at St Winifreds Care Home. After opening our presents with Christmas films and music, we enjoyed a tipple of sherry before an amazing Christmas dinner.

We were delighted to be joined by some of our residents’ families and loved ones, and a truly magnificent day was had by all.

After all the busy build up to Christmas and a jam-packed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we spent Boxing Day resting in our pyjamas watching Christmas films with hot chocolate. Is there any other way to do Boxing Day?!

We also enjoyed a lovely lunch of bubble and squeak along with some Christmas crackers and terrible jokes. We all received whistles in our crackers so watch out!…Along with the St Winifreds Song Birds we may have the St Winifreds Whistlers in the New year.

It really is the most wonderful time of year!



