A legend retires…
We came together to celebrate our amazing Activities Coordinator, Elsie Maycock, last week as she retired from St Winifreds Care Home after an incredible 28 years of dedicated service.
Elsie started at St Winifreds as a Carer with the Home’s previous owners, Pat and Graham. In April 2003 she became a Senior Carer, a role that she thoroughly enjoyed.
In 2004 Elsie stepped in to become Deputy Manager at the Home. She dedicated herself to this role for many years and when Nellsar bought the company, she remained in the Deputy Manager post. In 2008 she felt it was time to reduce her hours, which is when she embarked on her new role of Activities Coordinator, which she thrived at thereafter.
Well known for her bingo, arts, crafts and karaoke, Elsie is a loving, caring and bubbly person and her sunny personality didn’t go unnoticed at St Winifreds! She is loved by all our staff and residents at our Home.
On Thursday 12 of November Elsie had her last day at St Winifreds, retiring at 71 years young! In true St Winnie’s style, we make sure that her day was full of surprises.
We threw her a special retirement party and our staff cheered as she walked into the room, greeted by Home Manager Hazel Terry and Operations and Compliance Manager Alison Ruddock, with the rest of the staff team. Director of Operations Glenda Osmotherly and Recreation and Well-Being Manager Viv Stead joined in the celebrations via a surprise Zoom video call.
There was live music from The Swingtime Sweethearts and a delicious celebration buffet. And what party would be complete without a cake?! Elsie loved her magnificent chocolate retirement cake and was very touched by her flowers, gifts and decorations. She said she was so shocked and overwhelmed with everything, commenting that she never thought she would ‘go out with such a bang!‘
Happy retirement Elsie! Thank you for being such an enthusiastic and dedicated member of the St Winifreds team.
We’ll miss you!